Membership on the Commission is easy. You are required to have attended a certain number of Commission meetings (which are usually monthly). Members pay $12 dues annually and we encourage them to each contribute at least $25 towards the cost of the annual Family Celebration.
If you are a member, then you are on our mailing list and are entitled to vote in the bi-annual election of Officers.
If you do not wish to become a Commission member, you can be an "Associate Member" and volunteer to help us with our work. We need people with networks, skills, energy -- young and old, all races, all ethnicities, all religions. We want to expand our contests, build curricula for schools, assist students with their college preparations, and so much more. There's a place for you here!
The Commission's work relies upon constructive relationships with Brooklyn's schools, with an emphasis on all types of public schools. Spending time with principals, guidance counselors, teachers and parent leaders is a great way to promote the Commission's work and ensure that students participate.
Can you help us?
The Commission has been a volunteer-led organization. The expenses are focused on our events and our student winners. We want to do more, however, and that requires more resources.
If you can help identify businesses who might want to help us, then please let us know.
There's no substitute for the power of the people. Congressman Owens always believed that 1,000 donations of $10 was better for the Commission than 10 contributions of $1,000. Today, we know that every donation is valuable -- particularly yours!
We can't yet take donations on-line, but we hope to do so very soon. In the interim, please send us your checks.