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Topics for All Grades:

"With Dr. King in mind, ..."


Thank you for your interest in the 2018 Art, Essay and Poetry contests!


Participating in one or more contests can be a wonderful experience.  There are basically four steps you have to take:


Step 1 -  Select the topic of your choice and the contests of your choice.  You may enter more than one contest; in the past, we have had students do well in multiple contests.


Step 2 - Work with your teacher or your parent on developing your work.  If you start now, you should have lots of time to work on your piece and revise it, if necessary.  


Step 3 - Gather certain information that you need to complete your application.  This won't take very long, but make sure it is complete and accurate.  


Step 4 - Upload your application information no earlier than Friday, October 13th, 2017.  Correct your application information and your submission, if necessary,  no later than Sunday, November 12th, 2017.


Do the upload carefully and slowly.  Feel free to ask for assistance!  


If you are a Finalist, you will hear from us before the New Year begins. 


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QUESTIONS?  SEND AN EMAIL TO US OR CALL US AT 347-599-2061.  we are happy to assist you with the proper uploading of your submission.

Remember that Monday, January 15, 2018 is the big day!  Be there!


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